School Savings Start Here!

MGM OutReach+ saved Australian Schools $36.4 million this year!

Average savings $28,000* per school across 1,300 schools Australia wide.

  • Messaging tailored to your School Community and individual students.
  • Auto-Switchover so your message reaches parents and caregivers fast!
  • Frontline staff productivity soars, plus direct savings on School Messaging Packs
*Savings based on hourly rate of $35 plus bulk email/sms pack.


MGM School Survey Results


We asked what’s important to schools right now. You told us:

“We need to plan for fast contact with all parents for urgent matter, as well as budget management.”

“More controlled spending has come to light due to COVID.”

“Any new data that helps us shape future actions is always invaluable.”

COVID - Lesson Plans- Bushfires

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